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Hunting is a South Dakota tradition that has brought generations of families together since the area was settled. Pheasant hunting is good in the Yankton area. Waterfowl hunting is amazing as we're situated on Missouri River Flyway. Wild turkey and white-tailed deer are also popular with hunters in the area.
Seasons vary and licensing requirements are different for various species. Please look at the links below from the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission for official rules and regulations.
You can purchase hunting licenses in Yankton at Dakota Archery and Outdoor Sports, Walmart, Dunham's.
You can purchase hunting licenses in the lake area at Stringer's Bar and Grill, the Shell Station on Hwy 52 and Captain Norm's Bait Shop.
Licenses may also be purchased online at either SD or NE state websites linked below.
Looking for guide service, there are a few around Yankton. Many are Yankton Thrive members. Check out guide services under our member directory to learn about these excellent services provided by local experts.